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Hi, I made your skincare, and 

this is really me typing!


Katherine here, real human and founder/maker at fettle skincare

In 2013 I discovered oil cleansing and the incredible effects it had on my skin, but I struggled to find truly effective, natural products at a price I could afford. It wasn't long before my love of mixing led me to researching skin science and natural skincare. I learned as much as I could about making my own products more affordably, and have been doing so ever since. 

In making my own products, it became clear that transparent labeling and ethical practices were incredibly difficult to track down in the beauty industry. I made it a goal to only purchase organic and sustainably certified ingredients for my own recipes, and with fettle I make the same promise to you. 

Every product from fettle is as pure as possible, the only product not certified organic is our local Texas beeswax - and you can read about why beeswax is so hard to get organically here. In addition to organic sourcing, all of our practices from production to shipping are done as zero waste as possible, with 100% recycled boxes, paper tape, glass jars, and avoiding plastic wherever possible. Lastly, we focus on transparent pricing, this means that every product will always have a price breakdown, telling you exactly how much it cost me to make, and how much profit I am making on that item. As such - my products are incredibly high quality, but I do my best to keep them affordable. Right now I run a one man show and I must make a living wage, but I strive for fair pricing so I might share natural skincare with as many people as possible.


My hope with fettle is to not only improve people's lives with luxurious natural skincare and healthy skin, but to encourage thoughtfulness in the consumers of today. When we're able, we should be discerning with our money and our choices - we have the power to change this world for the better. At fettle you can rest assured knowing that you are supporting ethical practice for all people and the planet.

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